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3 New-Age Techniques To Conserve Water

February 17 2022   |   Gunjan Piplani

Water conservation has become a global agenda with many nations coming together to introduce initiatives and technology. India, which is witnessing an increasing demand for water and limited freshwater resources, the need to conserve is greater than ever. According to the Asian Development Bank's forecast, by 2030, India will have a water deficit of 50 per cent.

In light of that fact, PropGuide  talks about certain technology-based practices that have been implemented across the world to conserve water and use it effectively. 

Sensors & automated systems

This technology has been implemented in Australia for conserving water during agricultural activities. With this, computers are involved in the process of crop watering. These sensors are placed in farms and read how crops are growing and accordingly, decide how much water is needed. This will allow smart usage of water and also, maintain the health of the crop and the farm.

Rajiv Tikoo, managing director, OneWorld Foundation in an interview with The Times Of India, said, sensor-based technology can be used in urban areas, too. These can be installed on the pipelines and can gauge leakage as well as contamination. He says Israel has already implemented this technology.

On-site reuse

Using on-site technology or recycling systems, the water used in large spaces, including malls, commercial hubs, hotels, among others can be recycled for reuse. This technology is being adopted across countries, including India. Using this technology one could recycle the water into potable water, graywater or blackwater depending on what the structure needs the most. Largely, commercial structures need graywater and blackwater for toilets, showers, laundry and cooking.

Use of Big Data

Big Data is the talk of the town. Every industry is using data to determine what can be done to better the future giving predictive insights. The US-based company, Pacific Gas & Electric, has an innovative way for the citizens to read their energy and water usage. It also allows the user to compare their usage with other similar households. This move has helped households to conserve energy and use water in a more efficient manner.

Big Data also plays a crucial role in usage of smart meters. In the US, smart meters are now adopted to read the water usage. A household can get information down to 15-minutes increment. This allows the household as well as the water manager to gain insights into the usage and apply right water conservation techniques.

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