4 Ways In Which De-Cluttering Will Help Sell Your Home Faster

March 19, 2024   |   Sunita Mishra

The idea of being a property owner is often overwhelming. So heady is the impact of this knowledge that we may start nurturing the thought that there could possibly be no lack of buyers the day we decide to sell this worthy asset. Since we are entertaining such thoughts, the need to make any extra efforts to make the property salable is often not made. This is quite typical of Indian sellers. Resultantly, little care is taken to make any improvements when prospective buyers come visiting. We present the mighty asset in all its grandeur, all the clutter included, thinking the visitor would certainly be impressed.

We would like to bring to your notice certain facts here.

We live in times when the real estate sector is under reeling under the effects of an ageing inventory stock. The property market is full of options, affordable and good ones. Such is the state of affairs that sellers are having to reduce prices to be able to offload their assets. Rates of property in India's top markets have remained largely stagnant in the past five years. In such a scenario, any assumptions about your property being a unique piece of the asset might be ill-founded. Since there is no dearth of options, sellers will have to make additional efforts, apart from simply owning the property, to be able to get what their asset is worth in what is today known as buyers' market.

If you are willing to change your outlook in light of the facts, what should you be doing to find a buyer quickly? In case reducing the price is not something you are willing to do, we suggest going for shedding the thick clutter that may be instrumental in deterring the buyers from going ahead and sealing the deal with you. In case you are wondering what clutter has got to do with the home selling, here are some answers.

The gut feeling: Researches in consumer behaviour show that buyers decide for or against buying a property in a matter of seconds after entering the premises. This call is taken sub-consciously. The clutter is the house plays a significant role in opinion formation. A wall with peeled-off paint, a creaky doors, an over-flowing storage cupboard, a dysfunctional switch are all telling your property is not well maintained.  For the sake of making a good first impression, de-clutter your home.

Something smells right: Cluttering of any sort would also lead to fumes of unpleasant smells surrounding the premises. A great house with a foul stench is going to be a bad idea. Recent research show people are more giving when their olfactory senses are pleased. Make an effort to create sweet-smelling surroundings before prospective buyers come visiting.

Creating possibility: When you clear the clutter in your home, you also help the visitor see the future possibilities without blocking his vision with your present. Households items that are not extremely needed and helpful in highlighting the value of the place they are kept are better folded and kept away. Let the buyer imagine himself in your property without any personalised content hindering his train of thought.

The easy-going approach: Would it not be much easier to clean and maintain the home and present it in its best form if it has already been made clutter free. A cluttered home would also be difficult to maintain. For your own sake, too, it would only be the best to shed some weight. When you move to your new house after selling this one, this prior undertaking would save you a great deal of trouble.

You are not entirely wrong in assuming that a good property will always find a willing taker; let the clutter around the home not fiddle with that fact.

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