Are You Prepared For Artificial Intelligence In Your Kitchen?

June 28, 2018   |   Gunjan Piplani

Elon Musk, lead designer of SpaceX and late Stephen Hawking have been averse to the idea of powering everything in our lives with Artificial Intelligence (AI) . While Elon Musk calls it “summoning a demon”, AI has made way into our workplaces and is slowly moving into our homes, too.

Many of you are already intrigued by what AI can do to your home. Operating locks, ensuring safety and other key functions to keep your home safe and sound, AI is now coming in a big way to make a key task of your home simpler. Kitchens. AI is making its way into kitchens by easing the cooking and also, maintaining your grocery stock.

Here’s what AI could do for your kitchen:

What can I cook for you?

With AI-powered appliances your food will now be cooked based on your preferences. These appliances are connected to a device on your wrist and can read your weight, your health needs and also your food preferences. On the other hand, devices are being worked on that could start cooking your food and inform you through text when the food is ready to eat. A smart kitchen will also be equipped to read how much food is thrown every day.

What do you need?

You don’t need to make a grocery list anymore, let your fridge do it for you. Such fridges are being developed that could read what needs to be added to it and in what quantities, based on what all do you use and its frequency.

What are you eating?

Not just ordering your groceries, AI can help you know what are the ingredients of a particular thing in your kitchen. For instance, want to know what’s in the cookie you are planning to eat? A software has been designed where it could read the ingredients of a product just by looking at its picture.

Talking about pictures, a software has been developed that could even cook a dish by just looking at its photograph. Although the accuracy of this software is still 65 per cent, it is being developed further for better results.

The possible challenges

Everything sounds too perfect to be true when it comes AI. While you must be excited to own appliances that are AI-powered or have systems that could do the rationing job, there are certain challenges that come along with technology.

In case of an AI-powered kitchen those challenges or questions that many have in mind are:

Limited taste palette: Depending on a machine to cook food for you? Wouldn’t it limit our taste palettes? Flavour of food cooked in every home differs, but, if this food is being cooked by a machine, the flavor would remain the same.

Accuracy levels: There are certain startups that have come up with a system where in the appliance sees a picture of a dish and then judges its ingredients and creates something similar. However, the accuracy levels of the same are still a question.

Losing skills: In Indian homes, cooking for many is a hobby. However, depending on a machine to do that for us could mean we will be forgetting our own cooking skills.


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