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Building Code

October 09 2015   |   Proptiger

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A building code is a set of norms that govern construction of buildings by stipulating minimum standards. Building codes are intended to further safety, welfare and health of the residents of a building. Watch this quick video to know more about Building Code.


A building code is a set of norms that govern construction of buildings by stipulating minimum standards. Building codes are intended to further safety, welfare and health of the residents of a building. In India, the guidelines for building activities are set by the National Building Code of India. The standardized norms in the National Building Code of India guide construction of most types of buildings across India. Building codes are expected to lead to safe and orderly development of buildings. The National Building Code of India was created in 1970. It was revised in 1983. Two amendments were issues in 1987 and one further amendment was issued in 1987. It was further revised to create a comprehensive building code in 2005. According to the building code of India, workmanship and the materials used in construction should confirm to the Bureau of Indian Standards specification. Buildings should be certified for safety against natural disasters by architects and structural engineers. High rise buildings and special buildings need two stage permits. Occupied buildings should periodically renew certificates regarding safety from fire, electricity and structural issues. Development planning for hilly areas and low income housing projects have special provisions in the code. The building code of India also promotes the usage of new and innovative materials and methods in building technology.

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