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Why Smart Homes Appeal To New Age Homeowners

September 19, 2023   |   Priya Sengupta Das

Smart homes as a concept have really received acceptance in the past few years, with considerable technological advancements in real estate. With their promise of a better, luxurious and less wasteful way of living, they have managed to get people's attention. Although they sound great on paper, it is also prudent to keep in mind the mentality of the general home owner and whether he’s likely to welcome this subtle yet distinct shift in his way of living. With their mind set, new-age homeowners are speculated to be the expected crowd for this modern type of living and here are some reasons why.


  • Ease of living: The modern generation is all about increasing efficiency and the ease with which they get certain work done. This quest for easing everything out has also spilled into their habit of living and therefore, smart homes appeal to them. With their increased connectivity and the ability to control almost everything remotely and from one particular place or app, new- age homeowners would choose to bid good-bye to worrying about various components and parts of the traditional house and instead control everything remotely with ease.

  • Kinder to the environment: Contrary to popular opinion, modern technology is geared towards saving the planet. Smart homes initiatives were founded on the principle of giving back to the environment by cutting down on harmful emissions and reducing wastage. The use of updated and better quality material conforms to the current emission norms.

  • Financing: Although smart homes may appear expensive, but from a long-term financial standpoint, it sings a different tune. Smart homes come with appliances that pay off by reducing wastage and increasing efficiency, resulting in reduced cost of operation. This, when compared to the traditional concept of housing and the appliances used there, one understands that the cost of running and maintaining traditional houses are far higher than those in a smart home, where the appliances are carefully streamlined to make sure there is no spillage.

    These are some of the points that highlight that smart homes evoke a sense of progression and futurism, which beckons the millennial. Knowing that they are the immediate future of this planet, their choices matter and smart homes fulfil their expectations on how housing should be.

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