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Is The Space Crunch In Your Kitchen Artificial?

May 17 2024   |   Sunita Mishra

There is only so much space in your kitchen while there seems no end to the must-have accessories that you ought to accommodate in this space. Subsequently, you are left with no option but to device newer methods to achieve the unachievable. You implement all the "21 ways to battle space crunch in your kitchen" but even then, your success is only limited.  What would actually make a difference then? Must you cope with the kitchen troubles because you cannot buy a new home with a bigger cooking space? Well, there is. Truth is, you might be responsible for the artificial space crunch in the kitchen.

How so?

You bought a new food processor last month but you refuse to let go of the old device you have had in your kitchen for years now. Your excuse is to not give away the old thing is that it could be put to use when you have bigger parties to host. You cover up for not throwing away the old things also includes thoughts of using it if the new one fails at some point. This is true of so many other things, too ― utensils, chopping blades, peelers, plates, glasses, toasters, cutlery, jugs, you name it. We keep making additions into our kitchen year after year while holding on tightly to our old stuff. This is the tendency that leads to artificial space crunch in your kitchen. Old is gold and all that but who are we kidding? New things are bought precisely for the reason that old ones have stopped working — it is only reasonable to not get emotionally attached to things to keep your kitchen clutter free.

Read more: Top 5 Modular Kitchen Designs For Your Home

And then, your daily habits — lack of activity to be more precise — make a regular contribution, too.

  • You make such a hullaballoo about the lack of space but do you ensure your kitchen sink stays clear of dirty dishes at all times?
  • Do you care to put the big pots back to the cabinets after the party has been hosted and the guests are gone?
  • Do you shy away from using the space beneath the sink because there are fears of foul smell hitting your head?
  • And, do you regularly get your dustbins cleaned? All these and many more big and small habits not only clutter your kitchen but can also be hazardous for your physical health.
  • A clean and clear kitchen would demand more of your interest and require more of your effort to stay that way.

    Read more: Decoding The Modular Kitchen

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