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Selling Your Home? Attract Buyers With Colors

May 22 2015   |   Vidhika Dalmia

Wondering how to make your property for sale in India more attractive to potential buyers? Selling homes requires pre-planning and doing all the things that are necessary to make a sale happen. Potential buyers have a variety of options at different prices, and with everyone trying to garner attention, one needs to do whatever possible to make a lasting impression.

Psychology of colors

When you're putting your home up for sale, consider that colour can play a big role in increasing or decreasing the perceived value of the place. One of the easiest ways to make a good first impression is to ensure that your home is presented in the best light possible. Many successful interior and exterior designers swear by the “psychology of color.” Some realtors also confess that playing with the right colours has often helped them sell apartments in India faster.

Let the colours speak

Did you know that certain specific hues tend to evoke a similar reaction in most people? There can be some irregularities based on the cultural or personal beliefs, but it's a known fact that colors influence emotions. The color red is associated with energy, passion and stimulation. Using it in the dining area can be a great way to increase your appetite! The friendly and inviting undertones of orange can make it seem like a casual color but it's said to make people feel more active.

The bright and happy yellow reminds buyers of sunshine and allows them to enjoy the space they occupy. The different shades of soothing green appeal to nature lovers. However, in heavy doses yellow and green can seem overwhelming. Accenting particular areas in the room with violet or purple can lend a royal touch to it. Some shades of blue can make the space feel calm and elegant as well. While subtle shades of pink can be soothing, an overdose can drive buyers away.

Choosing the right shade of white can make a world of a difference to an area. Though white can be used to create an illusion of space, light and cheer, if the shade is too stark it can make the room feel sterile, bland or even cheap. Black is great as an accent colour, but its association with death and depression means that it is rarely preferred in Indian homes. Grey is a low maintenance colour that adds elegance without being too overwhelming. However, it must be enhanced with other colours to not seem drab. The earthy tones of brown are an all-time favourite with people opting for even darker shades to add a touch of drama to the interior.

Color selection for interiors

For most people, changing what resale apartments in India look from the outside is not option. However, with the right interior colour selection, you can totally redefine the space. While you could go for a different color scheme and concept for every room, a harmonious flow between the chosen schemes is not mandatory. Potential homebuyers move from one room to another carrying the residual impact of the colors and décor of the previous rooms with them. If there is a jarring dissimilarity, it can break the spell. There are many who paint the walls in a neutral tone or white, so that buyers can visualize the home the way it pleases them. However, having a color scheme adds a personal touch to the space while also making it visually more appealing.

Setting the right tone

Each room must tell its own story, and using the right colors can not only brighten up the space but also make it more conducive to its purpose.

Kitchen: Though it is difficult to maintain the purity of white in kitchens, it lends a feel of cleanliness to the space. While black can be used minimally to make stainless steel appliances and utensils stand out, a splash of red can instantly brighten up the space.

Workplace: Using the colors blue or grey can add an element of understated power and elegance to a designated workplace. You could also use dashes of orange or red to add energy and power to the room.

Home theatre: Realise the maximum performance of your superior home theatre system by creating a low-reflective space. Go crazy with your fascination for darker shades, particularly brown and black.

People tend to investigate a potential home through the medium of sight, and hence visualization plays an important role. Before showtime, ensure that the walls are given a fresh coat of paint to liven it up. With these smart and easy tips you are now all set to make a lasting impression on the buyers!

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