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Setting Up Your Own Terrace Garden

July 22, 2014   |   Proptiger

Consider this, it is a beautiful sunny afternoon and you are sitting on a recliner in the middle of a soothing garden and enjoying your favorite cup of coffee.

You might say it sounds too good to be true as you see only concrete jungles around. But, in my views such afternoons can actually become your regular affair. Terraces are not only about drying clothes, you can actually turn them into a green haven with just a little bit of effort. Additionally, gardening is a fun exercise and a great stress buster too.

Whether you have an independent house or a property at some high-rise you can always have a terrace garden. In case you don't have an independent terrace than you can convert your balcony or even your rooftop into a garden. If you are using your rooftop then do make sure that you have a ladder handy to help you reach the elevation easily.

So now let's understand how can you actually go about it.

Step 1: First and foremost, you need to check and ensure that your terrace is strong enough to hold a garden and receives a fair amount of sunlight. Any local mason could help you with this. In addition to this, do ask the mason to structure a proper drainage channel, such that all extra water can seep down easily without damaging the ceiling. Don't worry getting this done won't be heavy on your budget.

In case yours is not a sunlight friendly home then in that case you can use reflectors / shades or otherwise just go for shade tolerant ornamental plants to decorate your garden.

Step 2: The second step is to lay down a lawn carpet on the floor of your terrace. This would give the area a real garden like feel and ambience. If you are reluctant in having a carpet around then you can go with potted plants. But, while placing the pots do make sure that you keep them at the boundary or in small bunches. This would help you in easily watering them as well as create clear pathways for you to move around.

Photo Credit: Suzette/Flickr

Step 3: If you are going with a lawn carpet then the next step for you is to sow the seeds and nurture your plants, while taking care of any unwanted pests. You can grow numerous kinds of flowers, herbs and garden vegetables here. My granny used to have a range of vegetables from brinjals, green chillies, tomatoes to even a variety of roses and dahlia's in her garden. In this present scenario of food inflation, your terrace can also double up as your supply for fresh veggies.

So, what are you waiting for? Your garden is all here to welcome you and your loved ones. A hot cup of coffee is what you need now.

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