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Tips For An Eco-Friendly Household

March 11 2014   |   Proptiger

Eco-friendly homes have been rapidly becoming more and more popular. With the increasing awareness about depleting ecological resources, the rising need for being environment friendly and preserving the scarce natural resources, it only makes sense to turn your home into an eco-friendly abode.

Trust us on this, it is not at all as complex as it sounds. By taking just a few simple steps of being thankful to Mother Nature and expressing gratitude by valuing her precious resources, we can go a long way in making our household an eco-friendly one.

Here, we bring to you some important tips for an eco-friendly household. Read on, and make your home environment friendly:











  • One of the first steps to having an energy saving household is to rid your home of traditional lighting like high wattage bulbs and tubes, and utilize energy-saving ones like CFLs and LEDs. Furthermore, conserve energy by maximizing natural lighting, and using electric lighting only when it is necessary.
  • Switch your appliances off when not in use. Although electrical appliances consume a minimal amount of energy when left in standby mode, several such appliances when running in standby together will not only end up in the wastage of a substantial amount of energy, but will also lead to rising electricity bills in your home.
  • Avoid seepage of hot/cold air from your home during winters/summers by identifying any such gaps around doors and windows which may cause the air to enter or escape from rooms and insulate them. This will help make your home an energy efficient one.
  • Save Water! As much as has been said about this, a lot of households still end up wasting several litres of water every day. A few basic steps to follow are to avoid leaving the tap open and promptly repairing even the smallest of leakages in water pipes, as these are the most common causes of wastage of water.
  • Install geysers with variable temperature control, and turn down the temperature gauge to a little below maximum heat. The drop in water temperature will be marginal, but you will be saving electricity as well as the cost at which it comes to you.






  • Avoid the usage of dryers in washing machines unless absolutely necessary; utilize natural sunlight for drying your clothes as much as possible.
  • Avoid usage of plastic, especially plastic bags and bottles. When used, dispose such non-biodegradable products in a proper manner.
  • Last but not the least, impart ecological awareness to your family, friends and neighbours, and help build an eco-friendly world around you.
  • For more home improvement tips and expert real estate advice, visit



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