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Multiple Site Visits: How Do You Know When To Stop?

June 05, 2015   |   Anuvab Chattopadhyay

Varun decided to buy an apartment of his own right before the birth of his daughter. He, along with his wife, toured several homes. Something seemed to be amiss every time they visited a property. However, once they stepped into a 3BHK in Rajaji Nagar, he knew this was the home he wanted to live in with his family.

Every home hunter has some visuals in his/her mind about the property s/he wants to live in -- the layout of rooms, garden and balcony, amount of fresh air and sunlight received and even the indoor walls. Finding the right property in India is entirely a matter of luck -- it can happen after one site visit or twenty!

If you too are looking for a new apartment in India, here are the sure indications of knowing that this is the home you want to live in:

1. You start thinking about the furniture

During a site inspection, look into every crevice of the home. If upon entering the drawing room of the flat, you imagine where you would want to place your sofa set, divan, television and rug, then consider it the first sign of liking the property.

2. Planning which room will be whose

After completing the tour of a resale apartment in Delhi, for instance, if you see yourself ponder over which room will go to a particular family member, it indicates you are quite satisfied with it. You will want to keep the master bedroom for your spouse and yourself, and the smaller ones for your kids and guests.

3. Alterations to be made in the home

For under construction properties in Bangalore that you visit, you may think that there are some parts you would want changed. For instance, instead of a granite kitchen slab, you may want to go with marble. Thinking about replacing the bathroom tiles with marble and increasing the length of the balcony are some of the other things you will want to consider.

4. The flat feels like home

There is no denying the fact that a home has its own vibe and you can simply pick up on it. For ready to move flats in Bangalore, you will feel that this is the one that you were looking for all this while. You may not have even toured the apartment wholly before feeling at home in it. There is no better way than this to know if the home is meant for you.

On the flip side, there may be certain things about the home that you feel are putting you off while touring it. The problem may not be in the flat itself but in the surroundings. For instance, if the home overlooks a slum or the neighborhood is very noisy when you visit, you may instantly dislike the property. On the other hand, if the home overlooks a beautiful garden or lake, you would be immediately attracted to it.

5. You can't stop talking about the home with your partner

Quite the way you feel about a crush, you can't stop gushing about the home with your spouse. The fact that every aspect of it appeals to you is enough to seal the deal. 

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