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Want To Save On Electricity Bills? This Guide Will Help You Choose An Energy Efficient Appliance

September 14 2015   |   Katya Naidu

The awareness and need for energy efficient appliances among consumers is on the rise. Household appliances such as ceiling fans, air-conditioners (ACs) , refrigerators, water heaters or washing machine, are available in different energy efficiency versions. While, the demand and even supply of green appliances is growing, the complex rating systems make it tough for the buyers to decide among different options available.

Star ratings by BEE

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) rates appliances with stars from one to five stars, one star being least efficient and five the most efficient.

BEE has an energy labelling system for 12 products, including refrigerators, tubular fluorescent lamps (TFL) , ACs, distribution transformers, electric motors, ceiling fans, ballasts, agricultural pump sets, geysers, washing machines, among others.

However, choosing the most efficient appliance is not as simple as choosing the best star. Here's what will help you choose:

The year of manufacturing: BEE constantly updates its star ratings, thereby improving the standards of the efficiency. For instance, if you bought a five-star rated AC manufactured in 2012, it might be equivalent to a three-star rated AC in 2014. This is due to the upgradation of standards with the upgradation in technology. So, always view the star ratings in the light of the year of manufacturing.

The star rating upgradation also varies from category to category. Like, the change in rating for refrigerators is more frequent than that of ACs. However, the authorities are mulling a minimum standard of efficiency to be imposed on ACs, which will be on par with international standards.

Choose right to save right: Energy efficient appliances come with advantages including environmental conservation and electricity savings. But how much can these appliances save?

If you are looking to replace an electrical appliance which is a mere decade old, then you might not end up saving much. For instance, if you are replacing a 1990s energy-guzzling refrigerator, then your electricity bill savings can be as high as Rs 10,000. But by replacing a model manufactured in 2000-2005, a time when energy saving models had started entering the market, might not present such drastic energy savings. So, if replacing exclusively to save money, make sure you calculate the savings as per these standards before purchasing.

Moreover, when choosing a washing machine, ensure that you choose the one which saves water consumption as much as it saves energy. Such washing machines are labelled 'water factor'.

Catching up with global standards

It has been observed widely that BEE's standards lag when compared to standards in other countries such as the US or others. For instance, the least rated AC or a refrigerator in the US might be selling at a higher rating in India. It is also observed that India would have appliances that are rejected in the US, United Kingdom, Australia, and other developed nations. So, even if you have the most efficient machine at hand in India, does not mean it is comparable globally.

(Katya Naidu has been working as a business journalist for the last nine years, and has covered beats across banking, pharma, healthcare, telecom, technology, power, infrastructure, shipping and commodities)

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