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What is stalling the Mumbai Metro Phase II Project?

December 16, 2014   |   Proptiger

After the success of Mumbai Metro Phase I, Mumbaikars were eagerly looking forward to the next phase. However, the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation terminated its agreement with Reliance Infrastructure recently, thus bringing the Rs 12,000 crore project to a halt.

Though the termination was mutual, things had never been smooth for the Charkop-Bandra-Mankhurd Metro Corridor (Phase II) anyway.

[caption id="attachment_6136" align="alignnone" width="636"] Credit - The Hindu[/caption]

So, what is exactly stalling this Mumbai Metro project?

Apparently, the foremost reason for the termination of contract by Reliance Infrastructure is the lack of environmental clearances. The proposed sites for car depots at Charkup and Mankhurd fall under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) . Previously, the government gave a conditional clearance for the same that allowed construction of car sheds over stilts so that the mangroves were not affected, however, washing of trains was not allowed. In words of Reliance Infrastructure spokesman “this makes car shed depot impractical”. The search for alternate sites for the car sheds has not been successful till date.

Another problem with the Metro route is seen as the incapability of Mumbai Metro Rail Development to provide 100 percent right of way for the project. Right of way is a critical part of any transport corridor and if government finds it tough to take up then there is no use of taking a project forward. According to recent media reports, only around 55 percent of right of way has been granted and that too is non-contiguous.

Whenever a high profile project like the Metro is drafted, the major problem for the authorities is the shifting of existing utilities. Mumbai, being a congested city, makes the shifting of utilities like water, electricity and telephone connection not only difficult but sometimes impossible. For the Mumbai Metro phase II, the government is unable to draft any concrete plan regarding this aspect as of now.

Previously the constraint by Airport Authority regarding the construction height of the metro station near Juhu was also posing a problem for the phase 2 portion of the project. Nevertheless, thankfully the issue has now been resolved.

Therefore, there are numerous issues acting as road blocks for the metro project. Would Metro Phase II ever be able to see the light of day? Please share your views with

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