Harini Balasubramanian− Writer

Harini has over six years of experience in writing content for websites. She is currently pursuing her journey of over two years in the real estate industry and has contributed articles on residential projects, infrastructure, home design trends and other real estate developments. A Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physics, Harini enjoys reading non-fiction and watching movies based on contemporary issues in the society. She is active on G+, IREF and LinkedIn.


માફ કરશો! કોઈ લેખો જોવા મળે છે.
વિવિધ કેટેગરીમાં પસંદ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરો.

અત્યારે જ નામ નોંધાવો

રિયલ એસ્ટેટ અપડેટ્સ સાથે ટ્યુન રહેવા


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અહીં તમારી ક્વેરી છોડો