7, RCR is now Lok Kalyan Marg: The Lesser Known Facts About Prime Minister Residence
December 08 2015 |
Srinibas Rout

The Special Protection Group guards 7, RCR's lone entrance. (YouTube)
The official residence of India's prime minister is not only a part of that nation's history, culture and architecture, it is also the place where critical decisions of national and international importance are made. The 7, Race Course Road (now renamed to Lok Kalyan Marg) is the official residence of India's prime minister which is also a shining example of this.
Here are some lesser known facts about 7, RCR, the Prime Minister Residence:
- Robert Tor Russell, who was a member of the British architect Edwin Lutyens' team, originally designed the bungalows during the 1920s and 1930s. This 12-acre property was finally built in the 1980s.
- The building complex has five bungalows, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi stays at bungalow number 5. 7, RCR has beautifully manicured lawns and is surrounded by gulmohar and arjuna trees. The gardens also house several birds.
- Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was the first Indian state head to reside here in 1984. However, V P Singh started the trend of prime ministers staying in 7, RCR which has now been reversed by the current PM.
- The Special Protection Group (SPG) personnel guard the complex's lone entrance.
- Photographs of the complex are not in the public domain.
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- Bungalow 1 has a helipad. A 1.5-km long underground tunnel connects the Indian prime minister's residence to the Safdarjung Airport, where VVIP helicopters land.
- Bungalow 9 is occupied by the SPG and is equipped with a tennis court. The whole area is a no-fly zone.