Completion Certificate And Its Importance
If you are buying a home, you must prepare yourself to go through a lengthy documentation process. There is a list of documents that you require when buying a property. These can be needed for establishing your ownership at the time of resale or for mortgage purposes. But there are few documents which are mandatory when you are going to take the possession of the property from the developer. One of such important piece of paper is completion certificate.
What is completion certificate?
Completion certificate is a legal document that attests the fact that a building has been constructed in line with construction norms. A completion certificate should include all the information about project-- from the building height to quality of the material used. To summarise, a completion certification is an assurance that the building in which you are going to stay has not violated any norms. It is mandatory for all developers to show completion certificate to have water and electricity connection in the building.
Who issues completion certificate?
The completion certificate is provided by the local authority after inspection of the premises. If all the rules, norms and safety guidelines have been met by the developer, the authority provides the completion certificate.
What is a provisional completion certificate?
A provisional completion certificate is provided when a developer has to hand over the apartments to the buyers but there is some small work pending. The validity of the provisional certificate is six months after which the developer has to apply for the final completion certificate.
Why is completion certificate important?
If buyers move into a building without the developers receiving a completion certificate, the civil authority can order eviction and can impose penalties, too.