How To Choose The Right Architect

If you are going to invest a fortune in building a project, you would want an expert or architect to handhold you. However, there may be a long queue when you start searching for an expert in the market and finding the one who would be the best for you may not be easy.
PropGuide lists certain parameters based on which you should find an architect for your project.
What do you want?
Before handing over the responsibility of your project, you must be clear on what exactly you want from your architect. Any communication here may cause you much heartburn in future. On the other hands, popular architects may come with a huge price tag. Keep in mind your budget requirements and stick to it.
Check with thy neighbour
The best way to look for an architect is via referrals. Connect with your friends, relatives, colleagues or neighbours who have recently done some construction. These people have a first-hand experience with the architect which may save you a lot of research work.
Check the bio
Go through architect profiles and websites and check their previous work record. This will give you an insight about their designing techniques and domain knowledge.
Do the research
If everything else fails, a good research will help you find a suitable architect. Refer to the Council of Architecture, the Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) or similar statutory bodies to find one. Connect with architects who are member of these organisations and go ahead.
Interview them
Once you have shortlisted some architects, personally meet them and discuss the work that they have to undertake. Ask as many questions as you can. Try to figure out if their style and techniques suits your requirement. A detailed discussion is always important before you finalise an architect.
Inspect previous work
Inspecting an architect's previous work would give you a peep into their work technique. The designs, the techniques, the know-how used in his previous works would give you a picture of how suitable he could be for you.
Compare price and designs
Meet more than one architect and compare their works. Before finalising an architect, consider your overall budget and the fee he is charging.
Take the final call
Make the final choice only when you are satisfied on all aspects. Do not forget an architect offers you professional service and not a product. A perfect architect will be the one who satisfies you with his talent, technical expertise and communication skills.