Jinxed Paintings That You Should Never Buy

Wall Paintings are an extremely popular choice for decorating your living space. However, do you know that some Paintings are infamous all over the world for being jinxed and bringing misfortunes to those who own them? Experts of Feng Shui and Vaastu strongly suggest being aware of the adverse effects of owning these paintings. If you are a strong believer of one or both of these, then the following list of world-renown jinxed paintings would prove to be useful:
Photo Credit: indiaopines.com
The Mahabharata Painting
The painting depicting Lord Krishna leading Arjuna's chariot is said to bring innumerable tragedies and ill luck to the household that owns it. In this painting, Krishna is preaching the Bhagavad Gita right before the bloody battle of Mahabharata and thus, it is said to have strong negative energies. There have been various instances recorded where families have fallen apart or faced with big misfortunes due to owning this painting.
Photo Credit: thesun.co.uk
The Crying Boy
The painting of a boy crying by J Bragolin has been widely recognized as a jinxed one, too. Legend has it that Bragolin's subject was a deaf and dumb street urchin who was called 'Diablo' (evil one) by the locals. Despite of the many warnings from the local priest about the boy being evil, the artist still painted him. Since then, thousands of cases have been reported from all over the world, where houses have been mysteriously burned down, and the only thing that survived in each of these house fires was this painting!
Photo Credit:Wikipedia
Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper
The Last Supper, by the famous artist Da Vinci is a world renowned painting. However, few people know that this painting has a very strong negative impact on the household that owns it. The reason, according to Feng Shui experts, is clear. This painting depicts Jesus Christ with his disciples, one of these very disciples end up betraying him. This painting is said to bring bad luck and cause friends to betray each other, just the way Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
Solitary Women
Paintings of Solitary Women
Feng Shui experts strongly advise against putting up paintings of solitary or lonely women in rooms of young girls. This is because these paintings represent sadness, loneliness and misery and these sentiments are said to get mirrored in the personal life of women who own these paintings.
So next time you want to pick and choose between different wall paintings for your newly painted living room or want to start redoing your bedroom interiors by jazzing up the walls first, keep these painting in mind. Avoid them if you believe in Feng Shui or Vaastu, and protect your family from any misfortunes that might be caused due to these paintings.
Why should You Know Your 'Undivided Share of Land' (UDS)?
Posted in Real Estate By Rupanshi Thapa On September 16, 2014Undivided Share of Land, popularly known as UDS, is a term that has always existed in the Indian real estate market, but has received the least attention of buyers. However, its importance for the purpose of taxations, selling and inheritance of the property cannot be ignored.
Keeping it simple and understandable, we may define UDS as the buyer's share in the total land area. When you purchase a property you not only get the flat where you are going to live but also your proportionate share in the land. Though this share of land does not have any specific boundaries, its consideration becomes indispensable while selling or inheritance of the property in future. Unless your share in the land is properly defined, how would you decide your compensation in case of a natural calamity like earthquake, or in case of redevelopment or if the government wants to take over the entire property?
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