Tips to Enhance Your Entryway
Your home’s entryway is the first thing that anyone who enters your home (including you) gets to witness. Being one of the first few areas to cast a perception of the household, the entrance sets the mood for anyone entering a home, and hence deserves to be given much more attention than we usually give to it.
Photo Credit: LelaG/Flickr
In this post, we have put together for you some intriguing design ideas to beautify your household’s entry path. So use these efficient tips to enhance your entryway and add a dash of life to the entrance to your home:
Begin with the entrance: The entryway does not just mean that small flight of stairs or the corridor that leads from your door to your living room. It may begin from the main gate and continue all the way through your garden or lawn till your home if you live in a large mansion or a bungalow. Hence, one should start with the first entry point of the home and execute design ideas all the way to the inside of the home.
Photo Credit: Ken Doerr/Flickr
Follow a design scheme: It is important to maintain a sense of uniformity throughout the entryway. A good idea here is to keep your entryway’s design in sync with your home’s existing interior design scheme. This will give an aesthetic look to your household and will also cast the right impression on guests visiting your home for the first time. For example, if you have a contemporary design inside your home, the entryway should also be designed in a contemporary manner, whereas someone who follows an antique design inside their home scheme would want their entryway to reflect antiqueness.
Decoration: In order to make your entryway more appealing and engaging, you can beautify it using a wide variety of decorative items that range from plants, flowers, object d’art, paintings or even mirrors. Mirrors can be especially useful in creating an illusion of spaciousness in narrow walkways. Open areas can be decorated using items like lamps and fountains. As much as there is scope to experiment here, the key remains to enhance the overall look and feel of your home.
Photo Credit: Dominic's pics/Flickr
Contrasting shades work better: If you have a staircase in your entryway, use contrasting shades between the railings and the staircase, as it will lend a more impressive appearance to the entrance. You can try out a similar contrast between the walls and ceiling as well.
For more tips on home décor and design, visit