PROPGUIDE − A Complete Property Guide

Real Estate Glossary


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Sale deed

Sale deed is governed by the Registration Act and is the most important document for the purchase or sale of a property. No property buying or selling is complete without signing the sale deed by both the buyer and the seller in front of at least two witnesses.

Site Plan

A detailed plan which depicts the location of improvements on a parcel of land which also contains all the information required by the zoning ordinance.

Soft Launch

Another name for Prelaunch

Stamp Duty

Tax paid on legal document during the transfer of any asset or property.

Stilt Parking

A housing complex where the ground floor is reserved for parking.

Strata Title

A title to a unit or lot on a plan of subdivision associated with townhouses, units and blocks of flats and based on the horizontal and vertical subdivision of air space. Owners have a certificate of title, are absolute owners of a freehold flat .

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The number of new residential units launched in the top 8 markets decreased from 1,23,080 units in...

The report mentioned that the drop in numbers would primarily be attributed to state elections in...

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